If your loved one was crossing the street and was hit by a car, you need to contact a pedestrian accident attorney in Las Cruces NM. A pedestrian who is going across the road has no protectiofrom the impact of a striking vehicle. His body absorbs the full force of the car, causing serious and potentially catastrophic or fatal injuries. The damage can be life-changing, and the victim and his or her family have legal rights.
A pedestrian accident attorney in Las Cruces NM like those at Aranda Law Firm can evaluate the facts surrounding the collision to help you determine if a claim for compensation can be made. Your loved one can file a personal injury case to recover monetary payment for actual losses as well as non-financial losses. This can include things like pain and suffering, missed wages, lost earning potential, medical treatment expenses, and emotional distress. If your loved one is severely impaired or has been killed, you can file a lawsuit for loss of companionship or wrongful death.
To recover compensation after someone is hit by a car while crossing the road, the victim or his family must determine who was to blame and be able to prove liability. A pedestrian accident attorney in Las Cruces NM can help to identify all possible individuals and businesses who could be responsible for the crash. Aranda Law Firm can help you determine if this could be the driver who hit your loved one, but also a car manufacturer or a road designer in certain instances.
A pedestrian accident attorney in Las Cruces NM can also provide assistance in dealing with the insurance company after the accident. The insurer of the driver who hit your loved one may make a settlement offer but you shouldn’t sign any paperwork until you have talked to a lawyer and ensure it is in your best interests to agree to settle the case. Call Aranda Law Firm today to learn more. 2507 N. Stanton. El Paso, TX 79902. Phone: 915-996-9914