Seeking Compensation After a Car Accident

How an El Paso Car Accident Attorney Can Help

If you are involved in a car accident in El Paso, you might be eligible for compensation from the party or parties that caused you harm. Securing financial recovery, however, can be challenging. It is important to act quickly, as you may only have a short amount of time to file a claim and to speak to an El Paso car accident attorney right away. 

Since Texas follows a fault-based or tort insurance system, you can generally seek compensation from a liable party. In many instances, this involves filing a claim with the at-fault motorist’s insurance company. Because of the complexities involved in filing a claim, it is strongly recommended that you speak with a car accident attorney as soon as possible after an accident.

Luckily, Aranda Law Firm is here to help. Contact us online or call (915) 996-9914 today to learn more and to begin working with our trusted car accident attorneys.

Understanding Insurance Laws in Texas

Texas law requires all drivers to be able to provide proof that they can pay for an accident that they cause. The vast majority of motorists fulfill this requirement by securing an auto liability insurance policy. Liability insurance provides compensation for another party in the event that you cause a car accident. Compensation may include coverage for medical bills and property damage.

Texas requires motorists to carry the following minimum liability insurance:

  • $30,000 bodily injury per person
  • $60,000 bodily injury per accident
  • $25,000 property damage per accident


Frequently referred to as 30/60/25, this coverage is the minimum of what is required in a liability policy. It is often recommended that individuals carry more than the minimum liability requirements. If the amount of coverage is insufficient to cover damages, an injured party may sue the at-fault driver for additional compensation.

Filing a Claim Against an At-Fault Driver

If you are involved in an accident caused by another driver, you may be able to file a claim against their liability policy. In order to file a claim, you will want to have all of the information and evidence necessary to prove your version of events. In many cases, you will need to provide a statement to an insurance adjuster.

What you say can be used against you and may be used to put you at fault for the accident, so it is recommended that you consult with an attorney prior to making a statement. The process for filing a claim differs slightly depending on the insurance company. An El Paso personal injury lawyer can help you navigate each stage of the case.

What to Do If Your Claim Is Denied

Unfortunately, even valid claims can be denied. If your claim is denied, you may have the right to an appeal. Insurance companies can deny claims for several reasons. In some instances, it is a simple paperwork error, while in others, it may be more complicated.

Insurance companies routinely attempt to downplay injuries in order to reduce the amount of money they have to pay. You should not have to settle for less than your claim is worth. If your claim is denied or the settlement offer does not cover all of your damages, you should speak with a car accident attorney.

What to Do If You Were to Blame for the Accident

Even if you were partially to blame for the accident, you may still be able to obtain compensation from another liable party. Texas allows injured parties to file a claim for damages if their percentage of fault does not exceed 50%. An independent investigation may be necessary to determine your portion of responsibility. 

Understanding Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

It is estimated that around 13.8% of drivers in Texas are uninsured. When you are involved in an accident with an uninsured or even an underinsured motorist, it may be difficult to obtain the compensation you need to cover all of your losses. If the at-fault driver was uninsured, you may be able to sue them for damages. You’ll need to speak with a car accident attorney in El Paso to determine your options in this situation.

You may also be able to secure compensation from your uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage. A UM/UIM policy provides coverage if you suffer damages because of an uninsured driver, a driver who has too little insurance, or are the victim of a hit and run. Insurance companies are required to offer you uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. You must tell them in writing if you do not want the coverage on your policy.

Why You Should Work with a Car Accident Attorney

Many people assume that if they are involved in a car accident, it will be straightforward. Perhaps another motorist was texting on their phone and rear-ended them, or someone failed to look before changing lanes, swiping the side of their car. In reality, who or what caused the accident is less clear.

Working with an El Paso car accident attorney can help you determine the best course of action after an accident. They will work with you to ensure you receive the largest recovery possible. Without the help of a lawyer, you could end up settling for less or for nothing at all. That’s why it is important to call the Aranda Law Firm at (915) 996-9914 today.


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