Car Accident Attorney in El Paso

Get the Compensation You Deserve

Being injured in a car accident is a challenging experience. Car accident injuries can result in substantial medical bills, time off work, and/or permanent disabilities. If you suffered injuries in a car accident, you need to speak to an attorney to determine if you have the right to compensation.

At The Aranda Law Firm, our El Paso car accident lawyers fight to ensure that injury victims and their families receive the largest recovery allowed after a collision. You should not have to pay for someone else’s wrongdoing. If you were injured, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, vehicle repairs, and more. Contact the Aranda Law Firm today at (915) 996-9914 to schedule an appointment.

Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents can have one or more causes. In some cases, who or what caused the accident may be straightforward, but liability can be less clear in others. A car accident lawyer can conduct an independent investigation to determine who should be held legally responsible for your injuries and whether you have a valid claim for damages. 

Common causes of auto accidents include:

  • Drunk driving
  • Speeding
  • Driving while distracted
  • Driver fatigue
  • Reckless driving
  • Following too closely
  • Failing to yield


It is not only occupants of vehicles who are injured in traffic accidents. Even if you are unsure whether you were responsible for the accident, you should still contact a car accident attorney in El Paso to see if you can file a claim based on personal injury.

What to Do After an Auto Accident

If you are hurt in a car accident, there are several things you can do to protect your rights. What you do in the minutes, hours, and days after an accident can directly impact your case and your right to compensation. 

  • Get to a safe place. Depending on where the accident occurred, you should try to move your vehicle to the side of the road and out of traffic if you can do so safely.

  • Contact local law enforcement. Call 911 from the scene of the accident. Tell the dispatcher if you or someone else has been injured in the auto accident. The dispatcher will not only send an officer to your location but also emergency medical personnel.

  • Collect evidence. If you are able, take photos and videos of the collision site. Document the condition of the road, any hazards, and your injuries. Make sure to get pictures of the damage to your vehicle as well as the other vehicles involved.

  • Ask for contact information. After any crash, all involved parties must exchange information. But you should also collect the contact information of any person who witnessed the accident. They may be able to provide additional insight into what caused the collision. 

  • Seek medical treatment. Even if you are unsure whether or not you sustained injuries, you still may want to be seen by a medical professional. Go directly to the emergency room or urgent care and let them know you were involved in an auto accident. They will run diagnostic tests to determine the severity of your injuries.

  • Contact an El Paso car accident attorney. You should always speak to an accident lawyer in El Paso if you are injured in a crash. You might be entitled to compensation from the party responsible for your accident.


An El Paso personal injury lawyer will be able to determine the best course of legal action. The Aranda Law Firm represents injury victims in auto accidents, 18-wheeler accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, drunk driving accidents, and more.

Importance of Seeking Medical Attention

One of the biggest mistakes most car accident victims make is not seeking medical attention immediately after the collision. Some injuries are not immediately apparent, so it is important to get a thorough medical assessment to ensure all of your injuries are promptly identified and treated.

Failing to seek treatment could worsen your injuries and may reduce your right to compensation. An insurance adjuster or a liable party may use the delay in treatment to say that you were not seriously injured or that you exacerbated your injuries by waiting. Obtaining prompt medical care will help both your physical and financial recovery.

Types of Accident Injury Claims

While the types of injuries you may experience after an accident may range in severity, many are serious and even life-threatening. Any time you are involved in a collision, you should to be evaluated by a doctor to ensure there is no internal or external harm.

Types of injuries experienced after a car accident:

  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Whiplash
  • Concussions
  • Dislocations 
  • Disfigurement or amputations
  • Tears, sprains, or strains
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Burn injuries

How to Prove Who Is At Fault

It can be challenging to prove your personal injury claim without the help of an experienced El Paso car accident attorney. Our team will help investigate your case to see who or what caused the accident.

Because the majority of car accident cases are based on negligence, you must prove that another party breached the duty of care that they owed you and that the breach caused your injuries. An El Paso car accident attorney can use evidence such as eyewitness testimony, the accident report, security footage, and other information to help prove or strengthen your claim. 

Liability may not be straightforward in a car accident case. Many times, there are several factors that contribute to a collision. You may even be partially responsible for the accident. If you are found to be partially responsible for the accident that caused your injuries, you may still be able to obtain compensation from your personal injury protection (PIP) or Med Pay coverage.

Texas Statue of Limitations on Car Accident Claims

In Texas, you generally have two years from the date of the accident to file a claim based on personal injury. Failure to file within the statute of limitations may cause your claim or case to get denied. 

While two years may seem like a long time, it can go quickly. It takes time to obtain the evidence you need to prove your case. Contacting a car accident attorney in El Paso as early in the process as possible can help ensure you file within the statutory requirements. 

In wrongful death cases, you generally have two years from the date of your loved one’s death to file a claim. Wrongful death cases can be complicated and should be handled by a knowledgeable attorney. As with personal injury claims, if you do not file within the statute of limitations, you may lose your right to financial recovery.

How The Aranda Law Firm Can Help Obtain Full and Fair Compensation

Attorney Marco Aranda is a highly qualified personal injury attorney in El Paso who will represent you in and out of the courtroom. He knows how to secure damages to ensure that you receive a full and fair settlement from the insurance company. 

You can rest assured that when you hire our car accident attorneys, you will get the best possible outcome in your case. Get the legal representation you need from an attorney you can trust. 

Car Accident Claims - Frequently Asked Questions

Will the Case Go to Court?

While the vast majority of car accident cases settle prior to going to court, in some cases, the only way to obtain a favorable disposition is by filing a lawsuit. Because your case may have to go to trial in order to get the full and fair compensation you deserve, you need to hire an attorney with extensive courtroom experience. A car accident attorney who does not take cases to trial may be unable to get you the largest recovery available in your case.

What Types of Damages Are Available?

In a car accident claim, damages are based on your economic and non-economic losses. Economic losses include things such as medical bills and lost wages. They are generally easy to calculate. Non-economic losses are more subjective and include things like your pain and suffering or loss of enjoyment of life.

Why Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

Without the help of a lawyer, you could end up settling your case for less than it is worth. In some instances, you may end up settling your case for nothing at all. Insurance companies often try to place the blame on the injured party to avoid paying compensation. An El Paso car accident attorney can help ensure that you do not settle your case for less.

Contact the Aranda Law Firm

Were you or a loved one injured in a car accident in El Paso? Contact The Aranda Law Firm immediately to schedule a consultation. All case evaluations are confidential and without obligation to retain the firm. Do not give up your rights. Call the office today at (915) 996-9914 to discuss your case with a skilled car accident lawyer in El Paso.

It is essential to speak with an attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights. Depending on the situation, you might be able to file a claim for damages. But you only have a limited amount of time to act. The Aranda Law Firm proudly serves clients throughout El Paso, Texas, and the surrounding communities. If you are reading this, it is probably because you were involved in a motor vehicle accident. If so, call now to get started.

Car crash accident on street in El Paso. damaged automobiles