Domestic Violence Defense Attorney in El Paso

Skilled Representation for Those Accused of Family Violence

If you have been arrested for domestic violence in Texas, you need to consider retaining a skilled criminal defense attorney. A domestic violence lawyer In El Paso can help you understand your legal options after an arrest.

The Aranda Law Firm is an experienced team of domestic violence defense attorneys in El Paso. We are proud to provide honest, ethical representation to all of our clients. We will help you navigate the criminal case and work with you to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case. If you were arrested for domestic violence, contact the Aranda Law Firm at (915) 996-9914 to schedule a confidential consultation.

Common Domestic Violence Charges in El Paso

In Texas, there are no specific statutes for domestic violence. However, an arrest for domestic or family violence could still result in one or more criminal charges.

Common domestic violence charges include:

  • Assault
  • Aggravated assault
  • Sexual assault
  • Aggravated sexual assault


When an assault is committed against a family or household member, it may be considered “family violence,” which often carries additional penalties. It may be considered “dating violence” if the assault is committed against a former spouse or someone the person is or was dating. A dating relationship is one that is romantic or of an intimate nature.

Who Are Considered Household or Family Members?

When people think of domestic violence, they often assume that the assault occurred against the person’s spouse or partner. In reality, domestic violence charges may apply to any assault against a household or family member.

According to the Texas Family Code, household or family members include:

  • People related by consanguinity or affinity
  • Former spouses
  • Parents of the same child
  • Foster children and foster parents


A member of a household could be anyone who currently or previously lived in the same dwelling, regardless of whether they are related. Therefore, domestic violence charges may be applied in cases where the assault was against any family member or member of the household, such as a roommate.

Defenses to Charges of Domestic Violence

Being arrested or charged with domestic or family violence does not always mean that you will be convicted. There may be valid defenses to the charges. 

One of the most common defenses in a domestic violence case is that you were acting in self-defense or to protect a third party. A criminal defense lawyer will work with you to determine how to move forward with your case if either of these defenses apply.

Domestic Violence Penalties in Texas

Penalties in El Paso domestic violence cases will depend on the circumstances of the incident. For instance, if it is a first-offense assault charge, you could be convicted of a class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine not to exceed $4,000.

If you have previously been convicted of assault against a family or household member, however, you could be charged with a felony and be sentenced to state prison. Domestic violence cases are often strictly prosecuted, even if the alleged victim recants their statement.

Domestic Violence Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What should I do if I am arrested for domestic violence?

If you are arrested for domestic violence, you need to consult with an El Paso domestic violence defense attorney. Early intervention in domestic violence cases is often key. Our domestic violence defense attorneys can help to build a strong defense in your case and fight the charges against you. 

Do I need a domestic violence defense attorney?

It is in your best interest to speak with a domestic violence defense attorney as early in the process as possible. Our attorneys can review your case and help determine your legal options. We will investigate the claims and help walk you through the legal process. 

Will my custody rights be affected by a domestic violence conviction?

Even the accusation of domestic violence can affect nearly every aspect of your life. A conviction, in some cases, may affect custody proceedings that you are involved in. It is important to let our El Paso domestic violence defense attorneys know if you are in the midst of any family law matters that may impact your case.

Arrested for Domestic Violence in El Paso? Contact the Aranda Law Firm Today.

If you were arrested for domestic violence, contact the Aranda Law Firm at (915) 996-9914 for a confidential consultation. Consultations are provided without obligation to retain our firm’s services. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your future, including whether there are defenses that may apply. It is important to act fast. The earlier that you consult with our family violence defense attorneys, the more that we may be able to help.

Angry husband trying to kill his wife indoors. Concept of domestic violence