Custody Lawyer in El Paso

Need Help with Your Child Custody Case?

Every parent wants what is best for their child. In child custody disputes, however, things can quickly become confusing and contentious, making it challenging to come to an amicable agreement. Any time you are involved in a child custody matter, you should consult with an attorney. An El Paso custody lawyer can help protect your rights and advocate on your behalf.

At the Aranda Law Firm, our legal team has extensive experience handling a wide range of family law matters. Our El Paso child custody attorneys can help you fight for what is best for you and your family. You should not have to go through the process alone without a skilled lawyer by your side. 

Are you in the middle of a child custody case or considering filing for divorce? Contact the Aranda Law Firm at (915) 996-9914 to schedule a no-obligation consultation. 

How Texas Courts Determine Custody

Texas courts will always look to what is in the child’s best interest when determining custody. The court may consider a number of different arrangements to provide for the child’s health, safety, and well-being.

Types of custody arrangements in Texas:

  • Joint custody – parents share legal and physical custody of the child or children.
  • Sole custody – one parent has legal and physical custody of the child, while the other parent (the non-custodial parent) may have visitation rights. The child lives primarily with the parent with sole custody. 


The courts focus on the rights and best interests of the child. In doing so, they often come up with other custody solutions. To learn more about potential custody arrangements, speak with an El Paso custody lawyer today. A family lawyer can not only help you understand your rights but can also help you develop a parenting plan to be approved by the court.

Why You Need a Child Custody Lawyer in El Paso

Custody is one of the most commonly disputed terms in a divorce. Both parents may believe that they are acting in the best interest of the child, which might lead to conflict. A child custody lawyer can help resolve this conflict amicably outside of court or help fight to protect your interests in court if a fair compromise cannot be reached.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Child custody disputes can be difficult to resolve. It is important to have a custody lawyer by your side throughout the process. Once custody is established, an attorney can also help resolve the matter of child support. Contact the Aranda Law Firm to schedule a consultation today. Call (915) 996-9914 to speak directly with an El Paso custody lawyer.

Kid holding hands with divorced foster parents