Divorce Lawyer in El Paso

Guiding You to a Fresh Start

Making the decision to end a marriage is difficult, but it can also be your chance at a fresh start. If you are contemplating divorce, it is important to keep in mind that the process does have its own challenges. It can be a complex legal procedure that should be handled by an experienced attorney. If you are considering dissolving your marriage, it is best to speak to an experienced family lawyer right away.

Our El Paso divorce attorneys understand that this may be a difficult time for you and your family, which is why we are here to help guide you through the process. If you are considering filing for divorce, contact the Aranda Law Firm today at (915) 996-9914 to schedule a confidential consultation.

How an El Paso Divorce Lawyer Can Help

A divorce attorney can provide legal assistance throughout your family law matter. They not only give you advice but also provide you with the resources you need to make an informed decision about your case. An attorney can represent you in court proceedings and help you to protect your assets and custody rights.

Our divorce attorneys can represent you both in court and out of court with the following:

  • Child custody 
  • Child support
  • Spousal support
  • Property division
  • Protection of assets
  • Negotiations and mediation
  • Finding an amicable resolution


A divorce attorney should be well-versed in not only litigation but also in mediation. Many divorces can be resolved without having to go through a lengthy trial if both parties are willing to find a solution. Many times, in contentious cases, the only way to protect your interests may be by going to court. In these instances, you need a skilled trial lawyer by your side.

Helping Military Families Through the Divorce Process

Family law attorney Marco Aranda is well-versed in handling a range of family law matters on behalf of military families and understands the unique position that members of the armed services and their loved ones are in. So, if you or your spouse is a member of the military and are contemplating ending your marriage, The Aranda Law Firm can help.

Common Types of Divorce

There are several types of divorce in Texas. The state recognizes both no-fault and fault-based divorces. In a no-fault divorce, a party does not have to prove grounds for the divorce. They must only state that there were irreconcilable differences. With fault-based divorces, on the other hand, the person filing must have legal grounds or reasons for filing.

Within these categories are contested and uncontested divorces. A contested divorce means that the parties cannot agree to the terms of the divorce. In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree to all terms, including matters such as property division and child custody. While uncontested divorces are usually faster and easier to resolve, you should still consult with an El Paso divorce lawyer.

Divorce Requirements in Texas

Texas, as with most jurisdictions, has residency requirements for filing for divorce. State law requires that at least one spouse must have been living in the state for a minimum of six months before the filing. 

In addition to state residency requirements, individuals hoping to file for divorce in El Paso must generally meet county requirements. Generally, this means they must have lived in the county where they filed the suit for at least 90 days before filing.

Grounds in a Fault-Based Divorce

Texas recognizes several grounds or reasons a person may cite when filing for divorce. The grounds are established in Chapter 6 of the Family Code.

Grounds for filing for a dissolution of marriage in Texas include:

  • Insupportability
  • Cruelty
  • Adultery
  • A felony conviction
  • Abandonment
  • Living apart for at least three years
  • Confinement in a mental hospital


Because the filing party must prove grounds, fault-based divorces can be more complicated than no-fault divorces. With either, however, it is imperative to discuss your case with a divorce lawyer. An attorney will work to ensure that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities throughout the legal process.

Get the Support You Need When You Need It Most

Any family law matter can be difficult. The issues brought up during these proceedings can be contentious and deeply emotional. To ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case, it is best to speak with an experienced divorce attorney.

He can also assist in matters where there has been a history of family violence. Do not hesitate to call the Aranda Law Firm at (915) 996-9914 to speak directly with an attorney.

Contact the Aranda Law Firm Today

If you are considering filing for divorce in El Paso, the Aranda Law Firm can help. Get dedicated legal representation from a lawyer you can trust. Call (915) 996-9914 today to get started.

Couple with divorce contract and ring on desk. Divorce