A DWI Attorney in El Paso can Fight Your Case

Drink and drive

You were arrested for a DWI and are looking to hire a DWI attorney in El Paso because the circumstances in which you were taken into custody were not right. You feel that you should not have been arrested and will need the help of a DWI attorney in order to prove that your rights were violated. There are many other advantages to consulting one of these specialized attorneys.

An Attorney can Help you Sue for False Arrest
In order for you to be arrested for DWI, the arresting officer has to have probable cause. Typically, if you were weaving in and out of lanes, that is enough of a reason for an officer to pull you over and give you a sobriety test. However, if your driving was not suspicious, yet you were pulled over anyway, this is something a DWI attorney in El Paso needs to know about so a lawsuit for false arrest can be filed.

A DWI Attorney can Remove the Arrest from your Record
If you have been charged for a DWI violation, you were arrested, put into a patrol car, and then booked, which includes having your photograph taken.  A DWI attorney can have the arrest taken off your record and that will also include the photograph being removed from public records.

Aranda Law Firm understands that your arrest for DWI might have happened over questionable circumstances, and we are here to help you. If you are need a DWI attorney in El Paso, please don’t hesitate to call us at (915) 996-9914, or come by our office located at 2507 N. Stanton.