According to the 2013 National Survey of Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings, 28.7 million people admitted to driving while intoxicated. This is more people than the entire population of Texas! While this statistic is profoundly disconcerting, it gets even more shocking. One out of every three traffic deaths in the United States involves a drunk driver, and FBI arrest data from 2014 claims that average drunk driver will have driven while intoxicated roughly 80 times before his or her first arrest. Many of these drivers will hire a DWI attorney to sort through the complexities of the case, but the most effective defense against a DWI charge is to avoid driving while intoxicated in the first place. Here are some important reminders that could help prevent a future DWI charge. The Aranda Law Firm is ready to help those with DWI charges.
What You Should Know – DWI Preventative Measures
Know the Game Plan
While most driving while under the influence of alcohol is not premeditated, the lack of a well thought out game plan (such as designating a friend to be a sober driver) can lead to irresponsible decisions after a few drinks have been ingested. By planning and thinking ahead, drivers can avoid making decisions while under the influence of alcohol that they wouldn’t ever consider in normal circumstances.
Know Your Limit
On average, a human liver can process about one drink per hour. That equates to roughly 12 ounces of beer, 1.5 ounces of liquor, or 5 ounces of wine. Everyone processes alcohol uniquely, however, and there are several factors that come into play for each individual. Height and weight, body fat, calories consumed, and water intake will all determine the alcohol ‘limit’ of an individual. Know you limit, and don’t go over it.
Know the Difference Between Facts and Myths
While many people believe that coffee, a cold shower, or food help prevent intoxication, these sobering techniques are essentially just myths. While coffee or a shower may combat the fatigue that stems from intoxication, they do not cancel out the intoxication itself. And while eating a meal before drinking may slow the absorption of alcohol, it won’t prevent it completely. Once the food has been digested, the alcohol absorption will pick up again – making the buzz set in a little later. Knowing the difference between facts and myths will prevent you from making a mistake based on false information.
Know the Tools Available to You
Car breathalyzers and ignition interlocks are simple and effective tools. Your DWI attorney may recommend these options if you want to ensure you’ll be within the legal limit after drinking alcohol. A car breathalyzer will test the driver’s breath to determine if it is safe to drive. If the driver proves to be intoxicated, the ignition will lock for anywhere from five to thirty minutes. Only after this time is up, the driver can test again. While this may seem like an extreme measure, it is far less extreme than being forced to install a breathalyzer after a DWI charge.
A DWI Attorney You Can Trust
While preventative measures are always the most effective way to defend oneself against a DWI charge, an attorney can provide legal counsel. If you have an accusation of driving under the influence, seek legal assistance. Untangling the confusing elements of a DWI case on your own can be overwhelming. Lawyers who specialize in intoxicated driving offer a wealth of knowledge and support that may change the outcome of the case. If you are looking for a DWI attorney you can trust, consider contacting the Arnada Law Firm for a consultation today.