Can You Benefit from a Probation Violation Attorney?

picture of handcuffs used to arrest someone with a probation violation

A probation violation attorney can help you try to stay out of jail when you have been accused of violating the terms of your probation.  There is a very real chance that violating probation could lead to serious legal consequences.  You deserve to have the best defense possible to protect your freedom.  The Aranda Law Firm is ready to help.

Why Do You need a Probation Violation Attorney?

There are many reasons you may be accused of violating your probation, depending upon the specific restrictions that are applicable to you.  Any accusation, however, can result in your probation officer reporting your infraction to the court. This can result in possible sanctions against you.  If the probation violation is considered a serious one, the judge could order you sent to jail. You could also face additional restrictions or a longer period of probation.

You Have the Right to Defend Yourself

You have the right to defend yourself when you have been accused of violating your probation. An attorney with experience representing clients accused of probation violations understands the process that is involved in arguing against imprisonment or the imposition of more serious consequences. Regardless of view of a table and chair with legal books and paperswhether you actually violated the terms of your probation or whether false accusations are made against you, there are always arguments that you can make to try to reduce or avoid penalties.
Aranda Law Firm will carefully review the accusations of a probation violation and will advise you on what your best course of action is. An experienced attorney familiar with the El Paso court system will guide you through the process of dealing with the probation officer and with the courts in order to try to keep your probation conditions in place without additional consequences due to the alleged violation.  Contact the Aranda Law Firm today to speak with a probation violation attorney in El Paso to learn more about how we can help your case.