Hiring A DWI Attorney Can Give You A Second Chance

three employees of a company enjoying glasses of champagne at their office holiday partyYou had a great time at your work Christmas party but the truth is that you had a few too many drinks. You made the bad decision of getting in your car anyway while under the influence and attempted to drive home safely. To top it all off, you incoherently talked yourself into thinking it was okay to make such a detrimental decision. A cop just happened to notice your driving was less than sub-par and pulled you over. Now, your blood alcohol level has been tested and you are busted. As soon as this occurs, you should consider hiring a DWI attorney. If you are in the El Paso area, Aranda Law Firm can help you sort out the messy details of your unfortunate issue. While you may be disappointed with yourself, you do not have to try to combat the issue alone.

Get Help Understanding The Charges

A DWI attorney can help you fully understand the charges brought against you as well as any legal verbiage that may be hard to grasp. Whether you do not think the charges against you are accurate, or you just want a better understand of what is going on, an attorney will be able to help you sort it all out. Essentially, part of a DWI attorney’s job is to renegotiate the charges in an attempt to help you out. What you get charged with will depend on who pulled you over and what they felt was the best charge or citation for you based on the situation. While there are not always renegotiation options for every case, there may be for yours. That is something that a legal attorney will be able to find out and tell you.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

At Aranda Law, we have a great team of lawyers that are dedicated to helping clients each and every day. Even misdemeanors are not something you want on your record and one of our attorneys can try to help you. Misdemeanors on your records can cause a multitude of problems for you, especially if you are trying to find a good job. We understand that the criminal system is very complicated and complex. We don’t want people to have to try to understand and face it alone. Chances are you may be in need of solid representation and that is exactly what we can offer you. We stand by the motto that you are innocent until proven guilty and will defend you as such when you hire us.

A DWI Attorney Can Help

Even people who make the decision to drink and drive deserves a second change to redeem themselves and prove their actions otherwise. If you feel that a second chance is something you want, please do not hesitate to contact the Aranda Law Firm. This way, you can learn about your legal rights and how we can better assist you.