Facts You Need To Know About Domestic Violence in El Paso, Tx

658238_72033199Domestic violence is a reality that has a negative ripple effect upon the whole family. There are many ways to reach out for help including contacting a domestic violence attorney. First here are some facts to educate you on this unfortunate reality.

#1 Fact: Domestic violence cases are almost never reported. The nature of this type of violence is shame based and can break a person down from the inside and weaken their sense of self. Without a strong inner self, a person experiencing domestic violence is less likely to seek out help. A domestic violence attorney can guide a person through the legal ramifications of such a matter and help bring to light the answers that a person might have as well as anonymous hotlines. If you are feeling weak to help yourself begin to create a list of supporters who can stand behind you as you fight for your rights against your abuser.

#2 Fact: The victims of domestic violence are more likely to be women. One in every four women will experience domestic violence and more likely to be killed by their intimate partner than are men. Women ages 20-24 are most likely to become abused in the home and every year one in three women who is murdered, was due to domestic violence.

#3 Fact: Annually, more than 3 million children witness the damaging effects of domestic violence within the home. Of those children, they are most likely to suffer abuse and neglect at high rates. Children in homes of domestic violence are more likely to experience health problems, and be tired and lethargic. When children try and intervene, they are at a greater risk of becoming victims themselves of abuse and even death.

#4 Fact: A domestic violence attorney can confirm that without legal intervention, the cycle of abuse can continue to contaminate the future of the family members and especially the children. Without help, girls who witness domestic violence in the home are more susceptible to receiving abuse as teenagers and adults. Without help, boys witnessing domestic violence are most likely to become abusers in their own homes.

If you are looking for a reputable  in the El Paso area then contact Aranda Law Firm today by calling (915) 996-9914. Or stop by their office located at 2507 N. Stanton El Paso, Texas 79902