Healing After a Dog Attack – A Dog Bite Attorney Can Help

small dog pushing a hand away aggressivelyAnyone who has been attacked by a dog knows all too well that the trauma can last for years. Nerve damage, physical pain, visible scars, emotional trauma, and financial issues are all problems that victims face. This is a very unfortunate situation to be in, especially when the attack wasn’t your fault. While some wounds both physical and emotional can even take years to heal, a dog bite attorney can help. We have a few tips to help you or your loved one recovery from the devastating event.

Let the Media and Attention Die Down

If the dog bite was enough to garner news media attention, or even just the attention of nosy neighbors the situation can become a bit more traumatic. Everyone seems to have an opinion when it comes to dog bites. From animal rights activists to dog breed ban groups, many people might take advantage of the victim’s trauma to soapbox their viewpoints. The first step to recovering will be to avoid those voices. Don’t pay turn on the news for a few weeks. Let someone else answer the phone or front door until the attention dies down.

Gather Your Evidence

A major part of the trauma that many encounter is the feeling of helplessness or a lack of control over what happened. This is a normal feeling as it can be disheartening to encounter a situation that was out of the victim’s hands. Taking control over the aftermath is a great way to overcome these feelings. If you or loved one plan to seek help from a dog bite attorney gathering up the necessary information will be both helpful and empowering. This can include collecting all the medical bills and putting them in a folder. If you or a loved took photos of the event save them on a digital file and make prints to place in the folder with the bills. When the victim feels emotionally prepared they can either voice record or write a statement about what happened. Taking pictures of where the event took place can help as well.

Join a Support Group

Whether online or in person joining a support group for other dog bite survivors can help overcome fears. This is also a helpful step in overcoming any Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome that may have developed. Talking to others who have gone through the same situation can help get past the emotional scars as well.

Visit our Dog Bite Attorney Today

If a dog attack has left you or a loved one scarred and in debt you don’t have to succumb to feelings of despair. Seeking the help of a dog bite attorney can get you strong representation in court and the compensation you deserve for medical bills and suffering. Contact the experts at Aranda Law Firm today. We can help you get the justice you deserve.