What if a Motorcycle Accident is Partly Your Fault?

man in motorcycle speeding through a country road at sunsetIf you were in a motorcycle crash and were partly to blame, you have to talk with a motorcycle accident attorney right away. Even if you share fault for causing the accident, you may still be entitled to compensation. Aranda Law Firm can provide you with help. With legal assistance, you can determine your legal rights following a motorcycle collision in or around the El Paso area.

Comparative Fault and Texas Motorcycle Accidents

If a motorcycle accident happens and someone else is to blame, a motorcycle accident attorney can help you. This way, you can pursue a case to get compensation for 100 percent of your damages. If you share fault, however, you may not be able to recover fully for all losses. Texas law does allow you to recover some compensation. Even if your own negligence played a role in causing the crash. Comparative fault rules dictate when someone who partly causes an accident can recover compensation from other parties whose actions contributed to causing harm.

How A Motorcycle Accident Attorney Helps in Comparative Fault Cases

Comparative fault rules allow for coverage of a percentage of accident losses. The victim will receive losses based on the percent of fault attributed to the other party. In some states, you can always sue under comparative fault laws if you are hurt. If another person is one percent at fault and you were 99 percent to blame, you could pursue a case to get the other party to compensate you for one percent of loss. In Texas, the law does not allow that. Texas actually has a modified comparative fault rule, because you can only make a case if the other party is 51 percent or more to blame. In such cases, you will be able to cover 51 percent or more of losses depending on culpability. A motorcycle accident attorney can also help you prove culpability of the defendant you make a claim against.a motorcycle lying on the street next to a silver sedan

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Aranda Law Firm understands comparative fault cases. We can provide help in recovering as much compensation as possible after an El Paso collision. If you’ve been in a motorcycle accidents, you should take care of it with the best legal advice as soon as possible. For this reason, it’s important to choose a law firm with the experience necessary to show results. The Aranda Law Firm is ready to take on your motorcycle accident case. We will give you the legal advice and assistance you deserve. Contact the Aranda Law Firm today.