Are Most Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Reckless Drivers?

motorcyclist who will need a motorcycle accident attorney if they are ever in an accidentMotorcycle crashes have lots of different causes, which is when a motorcycle accident attorney should be consulted after you are involved in such an accident. Motorcycle drivers are a much smaller vehicle to share the road with, which is why drivers often do not see them. When drivers are unreasonably careless or violate any traffic regulations, they may be considered legally responsible for causing the crash. The Aranda Law Firm can help crash victims and their loved ones determine who is responsible for their accident. In doing so, we can then work on making a successful claim for monetary compensation.

Motorcycle Accidents in El Paso TX


Motorcyclist at Fault

Motorcycle accidents in El Paso and surrounding areas have many different causes. For example, the motorcycle rider going too fast, split lanes, or stop short can cause an accident. In these cases, we can help you prove it was the motorcyclist’s fault. Just because you are in a car doesn’t mean you can’t be injured in this type of crash. A motorcycle crash can result in many injuries, no matter who causes it.

Drivers at Faultexamples of an accident whose victims could use a motorcycle accident attorney

In many other situations, it is drivers who do the wrong thing and cause an accident to occur. Drivers are so commonly responsible for causing motorcycle accidents that there are numerous public safety campaigns such as Look Twice, Save a Life. These campaigns work towards trying to help drivers develop better safety practices when it comes to sharing the road with motorcycle riders.

Contacting a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Most motorcycle accidents are caused by reckless drivers on motorcycles and in cars. When reckless drivers collision, a motorcycle accident attorney should be consulted by the who was injured party in the accident or by family members. If a driver was negligent and caused the crash, it will be up to the petitioning parties to prove that recklessness led to the accident. Contact the Aranda Law Firm today to learn more about how we can help.