Stay Out of Jail- Hire the Right Criminal Defense Attorney


person in jail needs a criminal defense attorneyAfter an arrest, hiring a criminal defense attorney can help you in many ways, like forming your defense and keeping you out of jail in El Paso.  There are often ways to defend yourself against charges or to negotiate a plea agreement which does not involve jail time. If you do not understand the law, you could miss out on an opportunity to defend yourself or get your case dismissed. The Aranda Law Firm knows how to help defends develop effective legal strategies to maximize the chances of avoiding incarceration.

A Criminal Defense Attorney Helps You Protect Constitutional Rights


The Constitution exists to protect you from unfair prosecutions and to ensure you get due process. This grants you the legal rights to defend yourself against the charges filed against you. There are many situations where you can assert your constitutional rights to help you avoid being charged for a crime. If you are arrested in El Paso and the following happens, a criminal defense attorney might even be able to get your case thrown out.

  • searched illegally
  • not read your rights
  • interrogated using unlawful tactics
  • not given the right to contact a lawyer

Any evidence obtained in violation of your rights may be suppressed after your criminal defense attorney files a motion with the court. If a prosecutor is not able to use evidence against you, the prosecutor may be unable to prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt. This means that  a guilty verdict and imprisonment becomes a distant possibility.wooden blocks that spell justice

A Criminal Defense Attorney Helps You Develop a Legal Strategy

Sometimes, the best way to avoid imprisonment is to negotiate a plea deal with a prosecutor that takes jail off the table. In other situations, this is not an option but it may be possible for you to defend yourself or get charges dismissed. An experienced criminal defense attorney can assist you in developing a defense plan that is tailored to address the crimes  you are charged with. After an arrest in El Paso, contact the Aranda Law Firm for help.