Do You Have a Wrongful Death Claim?

picture of legal books, pen, and glasses, which could all be used by a wrongful death attorneyWork accidents happen in El Paso everyday. If your father was killed in a work accident due to employer negligence, you need to contact a wrongful death attorney as soon as possible.  Aranda Law Firm will provide you with legal advice and guidance so you can understand what options you have for pursuing a claim for compensation after your fathers death. The employer should be held responsible for the irreplaceable loss your family has suffered and we can help.

Ask a Wrongful Death Attorney

When a death happens on-the-job, it is important to figure out if you have a valid claim against the employer. A wrongful death attorney can sort through the evidenceWrongful death attorney walking down a court hall and determine whether or not you have a claim. If you do, we can provide assistance in identifying third parties who may be appropriate defendants in a wrongful death claim.

Who Should You Sue for Damages?

While workerscompensation restricts the ability to sue an employer, a wrongful death claim can be filed if an employer willfully contributed to the fatality.  It is our job to provide the burden of proof in these cases. The sooner you file, the fresher evidence and eyewitness reports will be. There may also be many non-employers whose negligence played a role in causing the death. They also may be sued for wrongful death damages, including lost companionship and ongoing loss of the deceased’s income.

The untimely death of a family member can have significant and profound financial and emotional consequences on those who have been left behind. With the help of a wrongful death attorney in El Paso, surviving family members can use the legal system to obtain financial damages for both economic and non-financial losses. To learn more about wrongful death claims please contact Aranda Law Firm today.