The Help you Need after a Truck Accident in Las Cruces NM



Many people suffer serious injury or even death after a truck accident in Las Cruces NM. New Mexico law protects victims of truck accidents. If you or someone you love gets hurt or is killed in a collision, an attorney at Aranda Law Firm can help you to take legal action to recover compensation.

Driver negligence is frequently the cause of a truck accident in Las Cruces NM.  Law requires those who have been negligent or careless to compensate victims who suffer harm as a result of their actions. This means that if you can prove the truck driver was to blame, you can file a lawsuit against the driver.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires trucking companies to carry a minimum of $750,000 liability insurance, unless their company transports hazardous materials in which case minimum liability coverage may range from $1 million to $5 million or more.

As a result, a trucking company may be the best party to make a claim against after a truck accident in Las Cruces NM.  Our attorneys at Aranda Law Firm can assist you in determining who you can pursue legal action against in order to maximize your chances of being fairly compensated for truck accident losses.

Victims should be made whole after a truck accident in Las Cruces NM. Victims should be compensated for medical costs, wage loss, pain and suffering and emotional distress.  If your loved one was killed by a semi truck, then you should recover wrongful death damages following the truck accident. Our attorneys at Aranda Law Firm are here to help you pursue legal action so you can get the money you need and move on with your life after the crash has occurred. Call today to learn more. 2507 N. Stanton. El Paso, TX 79902. Phone: 915-996-9914