Child Support Questions?

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 When going through a legal situation that involves your child, you can get child support questions answered through legal counsel and by searching the web for information. Some frequently asked questions concerning child support are:

 -What does the Attorney General’s office child support program offer?

Here in Texas, our Attorney General’s office offers child support services including: locating the absent parents, establishing paternity, establishing, enforcing, and modifying child and medical support orders. They also handle the collection and distribution of child support monies.

-How can the child support amount be changed?

Only the court of law can exercise the modification of the child support order. It cannot be done by the agreement of the parental parties. Modification grounds include a material and substantial change in the circumstances of a child affected by the order. Three years must pass between child support orders to be made differently. A parent that is subject to a child support order has the ability to request a review of the ordered amount every three years by contacting the Office of the Attorney General.

-What information will your local Office of the Attorney General need to locate the noncustodial parent?

 The most important piece of information that can be provided concerning the non-custodial parent is their whereabouts. What is their current address? What is the name of their employer? Any addresses or phone numbers that can help the Attorney General locate the other parent is essential. If you happen to have the other parent’s social security number, date of birth, names/addresses of relatives and friends, names of organizations the non-custodial parent belongs to etc.

In order to get child support questions answered entirely, contact your local family law office and set up a consultation to discuss the situation in full.

 Get child support questions answered now from a reputable lawyer in the El Paso area that has a strong reputation, specializing in areas such as criminal defense, family law, and is multi licensed please contact Aranda Law Firm today by calling (915) 996-9914. Or stop by their office located at 2507 N. Stanton El Paso, Texas 79902q