As a bicyclist, I’ve lost count of how many times a negligent driver has veered too close in my direction, especially at the crosswalk. Despite the numerous bike lanes that have been emerging along our Las Cruces roadways, there remains a nervous caution among bicyclists when they take to the road.
The truth is, an unprotected human body on a lightweight bicycle is no match for a speeding vehicle with hard pavement all around. Even the most cautious bicyclist can find themselves the victim of distracted drivers. It is widely understood that texting and driving can be a deadly combination, and this also applies to bicyclists. The popularity of bicycling as a means of transportation has risen over the past ten years, however, many motorists fail to either give the right of way to bike riders or simply are not paying attention to their surroundings. This has led to many injured bicyclists and the need for legal representation in the court of law.
If you are considering hiring a personal injury attorney in Las Cruces, then allow me to recommend the Aranda Law Firm, which can assist in multiple driver negligence cases. Some of these would include: crosswalk accidents, hit and run cases, crowding bicyclists off the roadway and failure to yield the right of way. Personal injury cases do more than address the physical injuries caused by another, they also take into consideration the loss of income, pain and suffering damages and emotional distress. If you find yourself experiencing bodily injury and emotional damages due to a reckless driver, then take your case to a personal injury attorney in Las Cruces right away.
If you are interested and would like more information on a personal injury attorney in Las Cruces, NM, then contact Aranda Law Firm today by calling (575) 386-5100.