If your vehicle was grazed by an 18 wheeler and you crashed your car as a result, you need to understand how the laws apply to truck accidents in Las Cruces NM. Under the law, the person or company responsible for truck accidents in Las Cruces NM should be required to pay for your losses and damages if you sustain serious injuries. You can pursue a claim for compensation from the truck driver. Trucking companies are responsible for accidents if their policies led to the collision or if their driver on duty was negligent while working. This means you may have multiple parties to pursue a claim against after a truck accident in Las Cruces NM.
When you pursue a claim, you can negotiate with the insurance company to reach a settlement without litigation, or you can go to court to try to convince the jury to provide you with compensation after a truck accident. You will have to show that the truck driver and/or company was the specific cause of the collision. If you were grazed by the 18 wheeler and then your car crashed, the insurance company that is responsible for paying out may try to argue that the crash would have happened even if the truck had not grazed you or may try to argue that you were the one who was to blame for the truck accident in Las Cruces NM.
A truck accident lawyer can help you to obtain evidence and to put together a case to present to an insurer or in a court room. Call a lawyer as soon as you can after a truck accident in Las Cruces NM so you can begin working towards a successful case for compensation. The Aranda Law Firm is here to help.
1990 E. Lohman Ave., Las Cruces NM 88001 | 575.386.5100