What are the Requirements for Adoption in Texas?

A young family of four reading stories before bedtime.

Like any other legal process, adoption in El Paso contains many legalities. Whether you are just pondering over the thought of adoption or are ready to welcome the new member in your life, there are many things that you need to be aware and sure of before officially opting for adoption.  Much like there is […]

Tips For Preparing For An Adoption

The word ADOPT printed on clothespin clipped cards in front of defocused glowing lights.

With the rate of orphaned children in the U.S steadily increasing, more people are considering adoption over having birth. Of course, in these situations, a different set of considerations have to be made to get the best result for you and your adopted child.  Research, Research, Research Adoption is complex—making sure you have all the […]

Child Support El Paso, Texas

Child support El Paso, TX is court-ordered payments, typically made by a noncustodial divorced parent, to support one’s minor child or children. Usually child support is paid to the oblige by the obligor or in some cases, both parents pay to a third party when neither parent has full custody of the child or children. […]