DWI Attorney in El Paso | Making Informed and Strategic Choices

  When you have been accused of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a DWI attorney in El Paso can provide assistance in responding to the serious criminal charges that you are facing. A conviction for DWI can mean the loss of your driver’s license, among other penalties. The specific consequences that you […]

Choosing Criminal Defense Lawyer in El Paso

  If you are arrested, you have the right to be represented by a criminal defense lawyer in El Paso.  You do not want just any attorney to provide you with legal representation following your arrest. It is imperative that you are represented by a lawyer with experience handling similar past criminal cases. Every criminal […]

Divorce Lawyer In El Paso TX: Smoothing Your Annulment Process

If you recently got married but are having doubts, a divorce lawyer in El Paso, TX, is someone you need to talk to.  You and your new wife have not been together very long, but the circumstances in which you got married might not have been the best. If you are wondering if you can […]

Family Violence Lawyer in El Paso: The Help you Need

Your marriage has taken a turn for the worst, and you need a family violence lawyer in El Paso because your husband put his hands on you. You were advised to hire an attorney because you are going to need help.  You have rights and your husband should be taken to court for what he […]

A DWI Attorney in El Paso can Fight Your Case

You were arrested for a DWI and are looking to hire a DWI attorney in El Paso because the circumstances in which you were taken into custody were not right. You feel that you should not have been arrested and will need the help of a DWI attorney in order to prove that your rights […]

Need a Family Violence Attorney in El Paso?

  When accusations of domestic violence are made, you need a family violence attorney in El Paso. Domestic violence laws impose strict penalties for suspected domestic abuse. A victim is entitled to receive a restraining order or protective order with credible proof of abuse. Often, the victim can obtain an emergency restraining order right away […]

DWI attorney in El Paso TX

Twenty-one is a big year for many young adults, but if you get behind the wheel after some drinks and get caught, you’re going to need a DWI attorney in El Paso TX. With focus and determination, attorney Marco Aranda will do everything in his power to keep your record in good standing. At the […]

When to Hire a Divorce Lawyer In El Paso TX

The decision to get a divorce can be a difficult one, and a divorce lawyer in El Paso TX needs to be hired in order to help with it because the ending of marriage can be more complicated than people think. When a woman finds out her husband has been unfaithful, it can cause that […]

Motorcycle Accident Attorney in El Paso

If you have been hurt in a motorcycle collision, you need to contact a motorcycle accident attorney in El Paso. Victims of motorcycle crashes can obtain compensation for economic and non-financial losses if anyone else was to blame for causing the crash to occur. However, you actually have to take affirmative steps to pursue your […]

Finding a Good DWI Attorney In El Paso

  After being charged with drunk driving, it is a smart choice to contact a DWI attorney in El Paso. Unfortunately, it can be really hard to know how to find an attorney or to make a decision on who is the right lawyer to represent you. Most people who are charged with drunk driving […]