Taking Legal Action for Dog Bites

There’s no doubt we love our furry four legged friends, however dog bites can become a serious offense that often brings dog owners into the court of law to settle a dispute. Every year millions of Americans are bitten by animals, resulting in an economic loss to many. Victims and the accused are best in […]

A Knowledgeable DWI Attorney in El Paso

If you have been charged with a DWI in El Paso, hiring a knowledgeable attorney to help handle your court case should be your first step. Oftentimes people make the mistake of hiring the wrong attorney to represent them in court in these types of cases. Here is a list of some of the mistakes […]

Divorce Attorney, El Paso, TX

There are many steps that have to be taken in order for someone to find a divorce attorney in El Paso that is right for them. You will have to talk to a few of these attorneys to get a feel for them. One of the ways to get a feel for them and to […]

Domestic Violence Attorney: Spotting Signs of An Abuser El Paso, Tx

You are bound to find people who share the same destructive traits that will give them away as potential future abusers. Domestic violence attorneys can attest to this as they have helped many true victims escape the clutches of their abuser.   Domestic abusers come in all different shapes and sizes and backgrounds, don’t fall […]

A DWI Attorney in El Paso Can Discuss Your Options

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a major offense, not just for the one being charged but also for those whose lives may have been affected by this type of negligent behavior. The potential consequences of driving while intoxicated can vary due to the severity. Hiring an experienced and well-trained DWI attorney in El Paso is […]

Facts You Need To Know About Domestic Violence in El Paso, Tx

Domestic violence is a reality that has a negative ripple effect upon the whole family. There are many ways to reach out for help including contacting a domestic violence attorney. First here are some facts to educate you on this unfortunate reality. #1 Fact: Domestic violence cases are almost never reported. The nature of this […]

Drunk Driver Injuries in El Paso, Tx

Seeking Help For Injuries Due to Drunk Driver  If you are seeking legal counsel concerning injuries due to drunk driver then there are many options you may find helpful. Contacting a reputable law office is the best way to seek advice. Lawyers with education and experience can guide you through all the legal jargon and […]

Criminal Violations in El Paso vs. Infraction Violations

Any time you are face with a serious legal matter that will decide your fate or that of a loved one, you need to know educate yourself as much as possible on everything concerning the situation. Criminal violations in El Paso are a daily reality. There are differences between criminal violations and an infraction violation. […]

Divorce Attorney in El Paso

When two people decide that their marriage no longer works, a divorce attorney is one of the people that becomes involved. A divorce attorney in El Paso ‘is a legal professional who specializes in issues pertaining to divorce, including divorce, dissolution, and annulment.’ If you happen to be in this situation where a divorce attorney […]

DWI: Adults vs. Minors in El Paso Tx

Every year, people in El Paso are charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Understanding the differences between the consequences as an adult offender versus being charged as a minor is important. Ultimately, a DWI attorney will be able to explain in detail what may be expected by those convicted. Adults: In order to be charged […]