Las Cruces Car Accident Attorney

Injured? Our Experienced Lawyer Can Help

Were you or a loved one injured in a car accident? You may be eligible to file a claim for damages against a liable party. The best way to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve is by consulting with a car accident attorney in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

The legal team at the Aranda Law Firm can help you understand your rights if you have been injured in a collision. Depending on the situation, you may be entitled to damages, including compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. If you were injured in a car accident in Las Cruces, contact the Aranda Law Firm at (575) 386-5100 to schedule a FREE case consultation.

Types of Car Accident Cases

There are many types of car accident cases, nearly all of which can result in serious, potentially life-threatening injuries. It is critical to discuss your case with a Las Cruces car accident attorney, even if you are unsure about the severity of the accident or your injuries.

Types of car accident cases:


If your loved one was killed in a car accident, you might be able to file a wrongful death claim. However, you need to consult with an experienced car accident attorney in Las Cruces to determine the best course of legal action.

Leading Causes of Car Accidents

There are a number of potential causes of auto accidents, but many of them are the result of negligence and wrongdoing. Tragically, the majority of fatal accidents are preventable, meaning that countless lives are needlessly lost each year.

Car accidents are frequently caused by:

  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving
  • Driver inattention
  • Following too closely (tailgating)
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Failing to yield
  • Not obeying traffic signals or stop signs


Even if you are unsure about who or what caused your accident, you might still be able to file a claim for damages based on personal injury or wrongful death. A lawyer can help you understand your rights after a collision.

Car Accident Statute of Limitations

New Mexico law gives you three years from the date of your car accident to file a claim based on personal injury. However, while three years may seem like plenty of time to file a lawsuit, it can take months to obtain the evidence you need to prove your case. 

Consulting with a Las Cruces car accident attorney as early in the process as possible can help ensure that you meet all legal requirements, including filing within the statute of limitations.

Car Accident Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Speak to the Insurance Company?

One of the most common questions people have is whether they should speak to the insurance company after a car accident. The important thing to remember is that the insurance company will try to settle the case for the least amount of money possible. They may try to downplay your injuries, place you at fault for the accident, or deny your claim altogether.

It is in your best interest to consult with a car accident attorney in Las Cruces before you make a statement to the insurance company to ensure that you do not end up settling your case for less than it is worth. Do not assume that the insurance company is on your side. They may use deceptive tactics to get you to accept a low settlement offer.

Should I Accept a Settlement Offer?

Another mistake that many car accident victims make is accepting the first settlement offer from the insurance company. Early settlement offers rarely take into account all of your damages. They usually do not account for your pain and suffering or even all of your medical bills. An attorney can help ensure that the settlement offer is full and fair compensation based on the circumstances of your case.

How Much Is My Case Worth?

While there is no average amount that a Las Cruces car accident case is worth, there are things that may affect the value of your claim. For instance, the extent of your injuries and whether you were partially to blame for the accident may impact your financial recovery. Working with an experienced car accident lawyer can help ensure that you receive the maximum compensation allowed in your case.

Injured in a Car Accident? Contact the Aranda Law Firm

Were you injured in a car accident in Las Cruces? You may be able to file a claim for damages. It is important to act fast as you only have a limited amount of time to pursue legal action.

You deserve high-quality legal representation, including an attorney who will fight for your rights. Recovering from your injuries should be your top priority; retaining a personal injury attorney can help ensure that you do not have to worry about getting the compensation you need to cover your medical bills and more.

The Aranda Law Firm can help you determine the best course of action and how to get the largest possible recovery on your case. You should never have to settle for less. Call the Aranda Law Firm today at (575) 386-5100 to schedule your FREE consultation.

Modern car accident involving many cars on the road