
What Are Common Premises Liability Injuries?

Premises liability generally refers to personal injury matters involving unsafe, flawed, or substandard property conditions.  Property owners, managers, or anyone who makes property decisions, really, must continually make sure that a property is reasonably safe.  It’s not a job one should take lightly. It requires thoughtfulness, organization, planning, preparation, and

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A man with dirty hands tightly gripping the bars of a jail cell.

4 Shocking Wrongful Convictions

Wrongful convictions are a very serious matter that happens a lot more often than people realize. They are oftentimes the cause of police coercion, falsified evidence, racism, and false accusations. Wrongful convictions ruin people’s lives and take away years of freedom that they rightfully deserve. While these stories are extremely

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The Legal and Emotional Benefits of Adoption

Being a step-parent is hard work and a big responsibility to take on, but it can also be a rewarding and joyful experience to have. If you really love being a step-parent, then you might have even considered making it all official and adopting your step-child or children. There are

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What You Need to Know About Federal Drug Charges

The United States justice system—despite its inherent advantages and underlying ‘innocent until proven guilty’ dictum— can be intimidating and daunting. Federal crimes are serious business and carry with them heavy penalties. Here at the Aranda Law Firm, we specialize in different areas of the law so that we can help

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Wrongful Death in Texas: What You Need To Know

A wrongful death can be a life-shattering tragedy for all parties involved. A  “wrongful death” is defined as a death as the result of a wrongful act of another person or entity. In Texas, the law differs from other states, so it’s important to know how the law works in

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Common Reasons Why People Have Violated Probation

If you ask anyone here at the Aranda Law Firm, they’ll probably tell you that violating your probation is a terrible decision. Probation is a sign of trust, and violating that trust can lead to financial and disciplinary consequences. Sometimes, violating probation is a complete accident, but other times, it’s

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What To Know Before Hiring a Dog Bite Attorney

So you’ve been bitten by a dog, what now? You’re more-than-likely experiencing an unbearable barrage of emotions. You might feel hurt or weak, you may also feel anger or confusion. No matter what you’re going through, know that there help and guidance are available for you to proceed accordingly. If

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