
A DWI Attorney Can Help College Students

College is a time of intellectual achievement, personal growth, and newfound independence. It is also a time of intense pressure. College students juggle school, homework, work, and a social life and many young adults feel like they are going to crack under all of the pressure. Because of this, it

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18 Wheeler Accidents — Time and Money Play A Huge Factor

115,000. That’s the amount of 18 wheeler accidents that occurred in 2010 alone. Of these accidents, over 3,250 of them involved one or more fatalities, and over 44,000 resulted in serious injuries. While it is easy to grow numb in the face of such staggering statistics, we must remember that

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A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Change Your Life For The Better

If you have been in a serious car accident and received injuries, you may want to hire a personal injury lawyer. These accidents can be very emotionally damaging and stressful for everyone involved. A lawyer can help assist you in compensation and other issues due to injuries that you sustained.

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Social Media Advice from a Personal Injury Attorney

According to a Pew Research report regarding the internet and social media trends in 2016, 79 percent of Americans who utilize the internet are active social media users. This number is higher than it was the previous year, and it is likely that social media use will continue to rise.

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