Tips for Finding a Good Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you or your family member has been arrested, you need to find a criminal defense lawyer you can depend on. You are going to need an advocate to defend you or your loved one so you can try to get them out of jail as soon as possible. A good lawyer will also help […]

Stay Out of Jail- Hire the Right Criminal Defense Attorney

  After an arrest, hiring a criminal defense attorney can help you in many ways, like forming your defense and keeping you out of jail in El Paso.  There are often ways to defend yourself against charges or to negotiate a plea agreement which does not involve jail time. If you do not understand the […]

When You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney in El Paso

If you are being arraigned on a criminal offense charge, you should have a criminal defense attorney in El Paso working for you. At your arraignment, you will have your charges formally read to you by the criminal court judge.  You will find out exactly what crimes you have been accused of and you will […]

Choosing Criminal Defense Lawyer in El Paso

  If you are arrested, you have the right to be represented by a criminal defense lawyer in El Paso.  You do not want just any attorney to provide you with legal representation following your arrest. It is imperative that you are represented by a lawyer with experience handling similar past criminal cases. Every criminal […]

Drug Crime on The Border: El Paso’s Criminal Lawyer

As a criminal lawyer in El Paso, we understand that drug crimes not only affect our defendants lives, but also their family members and society as a whole. Unfortunately, when there is a large history of drug crimes in the area, it is easy for young adolescents to follow in the footsteps of those they have […]

The Truth about Domestic Violence: Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Some topics are easy to talk about, like how to change the oil in your car or what all college graduates need to know before entering the work world. However, domestic violence is never a topic that is easy to talk about since it has such damaging effects on a person that range far worse […]