Questions to Ask When Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

The commercials are on TV almost constantly. The people in them say things like, “If you have been hurt in an accident then call me and I will get you the most money possible.” The question is, beyond the 30 seconds of talking, how can you be sure of their statement’s validity? The key to finding […]

When to Seek a Personal Injury Attorney

Take a moment to imagine a few of life’s simple, beautiful moments: The sound of heavy rain. The visually-striking, watercolor sunset. The scent of chocolate chip cookies, fresh out of the oven. That first sip of morning coffee. The warmth of the sun’s rays. These seemingly insignificant moments of time make up the days and weeks […]

Rising Car Accident Rates – How Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

Car accident rates are going up. This means you should be prepared and understand what happens if you get hurt in a collision. A personal injury attorney at Aranda Law Firm helps you to make a claim if you get into an auto accident. You should be aware of rising accident rates and ready to […]

Does It Cost A Lot to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

Many people who have been hurt know they can benefit from working with a personal injury attorney. When you receive an injury, you should pursue a claim against another person or company. In doing so, their insurer usually defends the claim and pays damages. Insurers employ experts to defend them, so having an attorney allows victims […]

How Does a Personal Injury Attorney Help With Negligent Security Claims?

A personal injury attorney provides help to those hurt by negligent security. Being hurt as a result of violence or criminal acts due to the lack of appropriate security is a horrible thing. Additionally, it gives credence to having a good claim for a negligent security case. These types of cases are complex and need […]

How Long Can a Personal Injury Case Take?

A personal injury attorney in El Paso can help you to seek financial compensation in case of an accident. However, you must prove that negligence by another person was the cause.  Both individuals and companies can be held liable for any injuries you sustain.  The Aranda Law Firm has helped many victims of personal injuries […]

Different Examples of Personal Injury Claims

There are many different situations when it is beneficial to hire a personal injury attorney in El Paso. As a result, you need to understand the different types of personal injury claims that can arise. Aranda Law Firm provides representation for victims of personal injury situations. In order for your accident to qualify as a personal […]

How to Know if You Have a Personal Injury Case

A personal injury attorney can help you to determine if you have a case after an accident. Tort laws determine when you have a personal injury claim.  You need to prove specific elements of a case to successfully be able to recover compensation. Aranda Law Firm has helped many clients in El Paso evaluate their […]

What to Do After Suffering a Dog Bite

  When you suffer a dog bite from an animal other than those you might own, there are two things to do immediately- get medical attention, then get the number of a good dog bite attorney. The dog could have rabies or could otherwise carry diseases that could be life threatening to you. Getting medical […]

What a Personal Injury Attorney Can Do For You

If you were out at a club and faulty wiring caused you to trip, you have the legal option of contacting a personal injury attorney in Las Cruces, NM.  The Aranda Law Firm has helped many clients to take legal action and pursue a case for compensation against the owner of a premises where a […]