What if a Motorcycle Accident is Partly Your Fault?

If you were in a motorcycle crash and were partly to blame, you have to talk with a motorcycle accident attorney right away. Even if you share fault for causing the accident, you may still be entitled to compensation. Aranda Law Firm can provide you with help. With legal assistance, you can determine your legal […]

Does It Cost A Lot to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

Many people who have been hurt know they can benefit from working with a personal injury attorney. When you receive an injury, you should pursue a claim against another person or company. In doing so, their insurer usually defends the claim and pays damages. Insurers employ experts to defend them, so having an attorney allows victims […]

Hiring a DWI Attorney – Understanding Texas Implied Consent Law

  Were you arrested for impaired driving? You need help from a DWI attorney to respond to charges and defend yourself. One thing your lawyer will do is determine if evidence should be admissible against you. It’s possible that it should be suppressed because it was obtained illegally. One of the most common questions related to […]

How Does a Personal Injury Attorney Help With Negligent Security Claims?

A personal injury attorney provides help to those hurt by negligent security. Being hurt as a result of violence or criminal acts due to the lack of appropriate security is a horrible thing. Additionally, it gives credence to having a good claim for a negligent security case. These types of cases are complex and need […]

Three Things to Do Before Settling a Car Accident Claim

If you receive injuries from a car accident, you should speak with a car accident attorney for assistance in pursuing compensation. Many crash victims file lawsuits for damages. It is also common for car accident claims to settle outside of court. An attorney can help you to take important steps before you agree to a settlement. Aranda […]

18 Wheeler Accidents and Hazardous Materials

18 wheeler accidents are always dangers. This is because 18 wheelers are the larges vehicles on the streets. Victims could be badly hurt if a crash happens. This is mostly because the size of the 18 wheeler means the collision will have significant force. However, some El Paso accidents involving 18 wheelers can be more high-risk […]

Four Possible Defendants in a Motorcycle Accident Case

A motorcycle accident attorney can help victims that sustained injuries explore their legal options. Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries due to the lack of protection a motorcycle provides. As a result, these injuries can be expensive and require much more extensive medical care. An attorney can help you find out who is responsible […]

3 Benefits of Obtaining an Expunction of Records

An expunction of records after being convicted of crime or being arrested in El Paso can be life changing. A criminal record will follow you throughout your entire life and it rarely has benefits. At the Aranda Law Firm, we know how difficult it can be to start fresh if you have even the smallest […]

The Top Consequences for Federal Drug Charges

Federal drug charges in El Paso come with dire consequences if not handled properly. When it comes to federal drug charges, the central government has mandatory minimum penalties. That means you can get a long time in prison for even a minor infraction. In the course of our longstanding experience with the federal law, the […]

How Does a DUI Affect My Record?

If you are facing DUI charges in El Paso, it is paramount that you have a drunk driving accident attorney on your side. Most people are aware of only a few of the immediate consequences of a DWI conviction. For example jail time, probation, AA, a suspended driver’s license, and installation of an alcohol home […]