5 Quick DWI Facts You Should Know

In El Paso, many residents are in need of a DWI attorney after a pull over occurs. Every year, law experts at Aranda Law Firm deal with thousands of DWI cases. Therefore, they have thorough experience in this field of law. It is for this reason that we shall provide you with startling facts about DWIs […]

How Long Can a Personal Injury Case Take?

A personal injury attorney in El Paso can help you to seek financial compensation in case of an accident. However, you must prove that negligence by another person was the cause.  Both individuals and companies can be held liable for any injuries you sustain.  The Aranda Law Firm has helped many victims of personal injuries […]

5 Common Offenses that Require a Criminal Defense Attorney

A criminal defense attorney helps with any kind of offense that results in your arrest. However, there are some crimes which are much more common than others. Finding the right legal representation is extremely important. It is imperative that your criminal defense lawyer you hire has experience representing people accused of a similar violation. The […]

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Gathers Information

A criminal defense attorney provides legal representation to defendants throughout the El Paso area. During an arrest, you have the right to contact an attorney. If your charges are serious, you don’t want to waste time; you need to find good legal representation as soon as possible. One of the most important things that an attorney […]

How a Car Accident Attorney Helps After a Fatal Accident

When a fatal auto accident happens, a car accident attorney can help find justice for the victim and their family. A good attorney helps the surviving family fight for compensation to help their new financial situation. The loss of a loved one in a deadly car accident can be a terrible tragedy. Unfortunately, financial complications can […]

A Probation Violation Attorney Can Assist in Avoiding Penalties

If you are facing an accusation of violating your probation, a probation attorney can help.  It can be burdensome to comply with all of the requirements of probation. As a result, a single mistake or even a wrongful accusation of a violation could have serious consequences. The Aranda Law Firm helps people throughout El Paso […]

18 Wheeler Accidents and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs)

After 18 wheeler accidents, it is important for victims to understand Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs). Most commercial trucks in and around El Paso have to comply with these federal rules. If a trucker or trucking company hasn’t followed federal guidelines, that can result in large injury claims. Victims in a truck accident have […]

Ways a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Help You Get Compensation

A motorcycle accident attorney helps after a motorcycle collision that causes injury or death in El Paso. The losses can be substantial from a motorcycle crash. If there was a third party who was wholly or partly responsible, Aranda Law Firm provides assistance in pursuing compensation. This is usually a claim against another driver. However, […]

How a Wrongful Death Attorney Helps Families

A wrongful death attorney provides assistance to families who could face terrible financial loss because their loved one has died. The unexpected death of someone you love due to an accident is always tragic and upsetting. It can be even worse when negligence causes a preventable death. For surviving family members,  financial worry often adds […]

A Slip and Fall Attorney Explains Premises Liability Laws

As a property owner, you can be help liable for a slip and fall accident. As a result, it is important to understand how the laws work to make property owners responsible. The branch of law known as premises liability law determines if a property owner is held accountable for an accident. A slip and fall attorney […]